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List of products by brand ALCO-Safe (Pty) Ltd

ALCO-Safe (Pty) Ltd is the major supplier of quality electronic Breath Alcohol Detectors and Drug Detection equipment and accessories in South Africa. ALCO-Safe is the sole distributor for LION breathalysers for alcohol detection; and represents the range of Abbott Toxicology products for drug detection.

ALCO-Safe (Pty) Ltd has, over many years assisted a large number of organizations both major and small.

Assistance given has ranged from the supply of equipment only, to the development of substance abuse programmes and their implementation on a national basis. Just some of the organizations assisted are: Autonet, Metrorail, Cargo Carriers, Engen, Shell, Iscor, Arcelor Mittal, Tongaat-Hulett, Sappi, major vehicle manufacturers and municipalities.

With over 4000 clients, involved in substance abuse testing, spread over almost every aspect of the workplace. Our constant contact with this diverse client base has led us to observe that there is an ever increasing problem relating to drugs of abuse other than alcohol in the workplace and of course elsewhere. After receiving requests from many existing clients we took the decision in 2009 to become involved in the supply of drug testing products and related services. 

We are indeed fortunate to represent Abbott Toxicology as we are able to provide their large range of quality products and avail ourselves of their expertise when approached by our clients for assistance.

Having expertise in all drug testing methodologies enables Abbott toxicology to offer impartial, best fit solutions backed by unrivalled service and the highest levels of audited standards in the industry.

Drug and alcohol abuse is a growing problem in society. ALCO-Safe is committed to working with Government, Employers and the Public to help reduce the impact of the problem. ALCO-Safe aims to provide the solutions and support that best fit the client’s requirements. With this breadth and depth of resources and capabilities we can meet every customer requirement.


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